"Poems to Sing at Night" is composer and pianist Brian Buch's second solo piano album. Per the artist, "Poems to Sing at Night is a program of contemporary classical works. The music is lyrical, dissonant, and meditative and reflects my philosophic thoughts dealing with the creative process of composition."
For this project, a series of mixed-media illustrations by Danielle Galler Rabinowitz were carefully digitized and integrated holistically across the entire album design. The tree continues unbroken from left to right when the case is fully open, while the artwork on the tray liner serves to compliment that on the disc itself when in place. Both the choice of typeface and its appearance are intended to fit the mood of the program as well as accentuate the illustrations. Finally, a series of photographs selected in conjuction with the composer round out the remaining panels of the liner notes.
Album case (front) | Album case (back) | Album case (open) |
Album liner notes (outside) | Album liner notes (inside) |
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